Hi, it's Rabies. I have arrived safely at Fireblossom's house. What a dump! There isn't even a jacuzzi or outdoor dinner theater. Well, I suppose I'll make the best of it, if I can ever get this Fireblossom person to cave and call me "Your Emminence." I need a banana. I get leg cramps otherwise. Talk about roughing it! I don't think Michigan is even a state, I think it's like part of Canada. Maybe I should brush up on my French! "Garcon! Le banana, see voo play!
Rabies, Baby! How was the box? Who stole the coin I sent? Is Fireblossom as cool as she seems? When you get back, I will ply you with cheezy crackers and Wild Kingdom and you will tell me her secrets!!
ReplyDeleteHooray - and behave yourself, young stud.
Bwoohahaha! "Your Eminence". That is classic. Everyone should, at least once in life, have a friend/neighbor/traveling companion/stuffed toy that refers to them as "Your Eminence". (Yes, I realize it is Rabies wanting to be called that. The thought stands)