Thursday, July 16, 2009

Monkeying Around with Scarlet

Let me just begin by saying I LOVE THIS TOWN! I adore Miami! The warmth and love I receive from everyone here melts my monkey heart. Seriously, everywhere I go I receive the star treatment.

Take a look. Here I am with my new make-up artist. By the way, this chica sure knows how to make me blush! ;)

Yesterday Scarlet took me shopping...and I was assaulted by a mall rat.

Believe it or not, I kissed a mall rat...and I liked it!

But not as much as the mango lemonade. OMG! I LOVE the way they make it at Books 'n Books!!

Of course, I hung out with some Cubans...and even smoked one at Deco Drive Cigars. ;)

Here I am at the French guy's gallery checking out the pretty chicas.

After painting the town red with Scarlet, I was we stopped by David's Cafe for a quick fix, a shot of espresso. Looks like that lady needs it more than I do!

On the way to figure drawing class, guess who we ran into? One of the models!! Kendall! He was having an ice cream and I stuck around for a snack and some pointers on posing nude.

We squeezed a lot of fun in one day. Thank you, Scarlet. I will never forget you or Miami! You've both been verrry, verrry good to me!! :)



  1. WOW!! I want to come spend a say with Scarlet!!

  2. Wow, Rabies is living the charmed life!

  3. What a grand day you had, Rabies! Ever coming to Los Angeles?

  4. PG, you should've come with me!!

    Fireblossom, and it all started with you, dahling. ;)

    OldOldLady of the Hills, I would LOVE to visit you in LA! Imagine me in those hills. :)

  5. Glad you had so much fun Rabies! You'd be bored out of your mind here in the UK!

  6. Looks like fun! If you ever fancy a trip to London, let me know!


  7. That is awesome that you get so many people to pose with you! good to see people still have a sense of fun and adventure. And if you bring back one of the chicas, so much the better *wink*
